
Publications dans HAL

1657 documents

  • Ludivine Bantigny. Le moment 68. Perspectives transatlantiques. 68 dans les Amériques et la Caraïbe, Oct 2018, Poitiers, France. ⟨hal-02375365⟩
  • Bénédicte Percheron. Une parenthèse dans l’histoire du Théâtre des Arts de Rouen : le Cirque (1941-1962). Nouvelles perspectives sur les spectacles en province, 2018. ⟨hal-01736591⟩
  • Claire Maingon. Gen Paul, Céline : une amitié sous haute tension. Histoires littéraires. revue trimestrielle consacrée à la littérature française des XIX et XXe siècles, 2018. ⟨hal-02364781⟩
  • Sylvain Skora. Des canards au temps des troubles de religion : l’imprimeur langrois Jehan Des Preyz (1582-1604). Canards, occasionnels, éphémères : information et infralittérature en France à l’aube des Temps modernes, Sep 2018, Mont-Saint-Aignan, France. ⟨hal-02440924⟩
  • Ludivine Bantigny. 1968 in France: general strike, new practices, new hopes. Los años 68 : politica, sociedad y cultura, Sep 2018, Mexico City, Mexique. ⟨hal-02375367⟩
  • Anna Bellavitis. Crisis, immigration and the labour market in Early Modern Venice”, session Coping with Crisis: Labor Market, Public Policies, and Household Economy: A Comparative Perspective on Unequally Industrialized Regions from the Mid-18th Century to the Interwar Period (Mediterranean Europe, Central and Southern America. XVIII World Economic History Conference, Jul 2018, Boston-MA, United States. ⟨hal-02374606⟩
  • Anna Bellavitis. Women’s work in the Italian silk industry: session Weaving Links: Cloth Production, Trade, and Consumption in the Renaissance Mediterranean. XVIII World Economic History Conference, Jul 2018, Boston-MA, United States. ⟨hal-02374612⟩
  • Anna Bellavitis. Women in urban guilds: session Global Conversations: Gender, Work, and Economic Development. XVIII World Economic History Conference, Jul 2018, Boston-MA, United States. ⟨hal-02374597⟩
  • Anna Bellavitis. From Movable to Immovable and Back: The Mutability of Women’s Property in Renaissance Venice. Movable Goods and Immovable Property. Gender, Law and Material Culture in Early Modern Europe (1450-1850), Jul 2018, London, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-02374618⟩
  • Yannick Bosc. Les communs, enjeux économiques et historiques. 8e congrès de l’AFEP, Jul 2018, Reims, France. ⟨hal-02480421⟩