
Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice

Anna Bellavitis & Valentina Sapienza (ed.). Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice. Routledge, pp. 304, 10/02/2023


Apprenticeship in early modern Europe has been the subject of important research in the last decades, mostly by economic historians; but the majority of the research has dealt with cities or countries in Northern Europe. The organization, evolution and purpose of apprenticeship in Southern Europe are much less studied, especially for the early modern period. The research in this volume is based on a unique documentary source: more than 54,000 apprenticeship contracts registered from 1575 to 1772 by the “Old Justice”, a civil court of the Republic of Venice in charge of guilds and labour disputes.

An archival source of such scale provides a unique opportunity to historians, and this is the first time that primary research on apprenticeship is leveraging such a large amount of data in one of the main economic centres of early modern Europe. This book brings together multiple perspectives, including social history, economic history and art history, and is the outcome of an interdisciplinary collaboration between historians and computer scientists.

Apprenticeship, Work, Society in Early Modern Venice will appeal to students and researchers alike interested in the nature of work and employment in Venice and Italy, as well as society in early modern Europe more generally.

Editor’s website.

Table of Contents

  • Anna Bellavitis, Valentina Sapienza

Part 1: The State of the Art

  • 1-Anna Bellavitis
    Apprenticeship, society and economy in early modern Europe
  • 2-Michel Hochmann
    The apprenticeship of artists during the Renaissance: a bibliographical note

Part 2: The Garzoni Project

  • 3-Maud Ehrmann, Orlin Topalov, Frédéric Kaplan
    From Archival Sources to Structured Historical Information: Annotating and Exploring the “Accordi dei Garzoni”
  • 4- Francesca Zugno
    Normalisation and Classification of Trade and Craft Names: a History of Venetian professions
  • 5- Jacopo Cossu
    From documentary sources to geographical entities. Premises for a geography of apprenticeship in early modern period


Part 3: Apprenticeship in Early Modern Venice

  • 6-Anna Bellavitis, Valentina Sapienza
    A data set for historians
  • 7-Andrea Erboso
    The “Accordi dei garzoni”: the origin and evolution of the apprenticeship contract in Venice
  • 8- Emilie Fiorucci
    The ‘unregulated’ apprenticeship of Venetian mercers (16th-17th c.)
  • 9-Matteo Pompermaier
    Apprenticeship, training and work in the Venetian inns and “bastion” (16th-18th centuries)
  • 10- Jacopo Cossu, Valentina Sapienza
    Data analysis and case studies about the professions of the “Fraglia”
  • 11- Francesca Stopper
    Fathers, sons and apprentices in the Goldsmiths’ and Jewellers’ Guild (16th-18th c.)
  • 12- Anna Bellavitis, Valentina Sapienza

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